Availability of Places 2024-25

Availability of training places with the Wokingham Federation 2024-25

Art6University of ReadingPGCE
Biology8University of ReadingPGCE
Chemistry8University of ReadingPGCE
D&T7*University of ReadingPGCE
English8University of ReadingPGCE
Geography7University of ReadingPGCE
History8University of ReadingPGCE
Maths10University of ReadingPGCE
MFL7**University of ReadingPGCE
PE5University of ReadingPGCE
Physics8University of ReadingPGCE
Primary10University of ReadingBoth PGCE and QTS only

* Depending on the areas of specialism offered, this may be fewer.

** Depending on the combination of languages offered, this may be fewer.